Tuesday, August 17, 2010


We have been waiting for what seems like forever for this day to come. Today, the "Flag Day" ceremony for my class was held. Which means, we now know where we will be living for the next 2 years.

To build up the suspense, I'll tell you about the ceremony before I tell you where we are being sent. There are 87 people in my class, which means there were a lot of people getting there orders along with us. Within the first three minutes, three of our top choices were taken. This stressed us both out. So when it was announced that Lee Carnell will be going to PRETORIA, SOUTH AFRICA it was a pleasant surprise. This whole experience has been quite surreal, but we are very excited and very happy. Pretoria was our #3 choice out of 20. So that's not too shabby!!

I'm sure we will be having plenty of visitors interested in going on safaris. Book your trips now. The hotel Carnell is booking up fast.


  1. Congratulations! South Africa would a fun place, and a good jumping-off point for all sorts of adventures in Africa. How fun!

  2. Wow that is amazing! I had no idea that the process worked like this. What exactly will your husband be doing Katie? I'm so glad I found your blog. I'll be your number one blog stalker for sure. :)

  3. That sounds so cool! Congratulations! Are you serious about being up for visitors? Let us know once you actually get there and scope things out. So fun!

  4. Oh my gosh I can't believe you are gonna live in South Africa! So happy for the adventure you are about to have!

  5. Sounds like an incredible adventure iAs about to begin! Can't wait to hear all about life in South Africa with the State Department. We have great friends from college in Zambia, which I'm certain is just a hop, skip and a jump away!
